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Lavanya Prasad (Talescope) has been recognized for the work that she does by various forms of media.

“Project Roots for Senior Citizens by Talescope” gets covered in The Hindu
The Series on Ramayana for Adults – Ramayana Connecting the dots gets covered in TOI

Deccan Herald:

Lavanya Prasad is also the core member of Bangalore storytelling society the co-founder of the Bengaluru Stroytelling Festival. As a part of Bangalore Storytelling Society, Lavanya Prasad along with the other members of the society strives to work towards reviving, nurturing and promoting oral storytelling tradition of India. It was a pride moment to be recognized and called for a one on one talk with the Honorable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi Ji in the ” Mann Ki Baat” program, where the PM also appreciated and congratulated Lavanya Prasad on her ” Roots Program” with Senior Citizens. 

Talescope’s storytelling for families was covered by Deccan Herald: 

Lavanya Prasad of Talescope got invited to be a part of the first season of an online series that documented the stories of ” Unsung Heroes from the Indian Freedom Struggle” 

It’s an honor for a storyteller to be interviewed by people who are storytellers from other countries, here Africa 🙂 and also by people who compile wonderful and unique professions for everyone. 

It always is a very humbling and gratifying moment for any storyteller to be recognized for their work from across the globe.